I write picture books, chapter books, novels, non-fiction, reviews, articles and educational material.
I’ve also written for magazines, newspapers and educational companies such as “Quill and Quire”, “The Globe and Mail”, “Publishers Weekly”, Nelson, Pearson, Scholastic, DK, “The Toronto Star” and the Girl Guides. I’ve written on literacy, literature, social studies, math and science.
My background as a teacher of children and adults, my university studies in history and political science and my extensive travels enrich all my work.
So does my curiosity.
You can learn a lot about the world if you watch the way kids interact in the playground. Adults often deal with the same issues as kids: friendship, jealousy, control, power, fear, anger, isolation etc. The difference is how we express our feelings about our experiences at different points in our lives.
Recognizing that historical figures were people just like us—only they lived in different times with different issues brings history alive for me. I try to convey that in my work.
For easy to implement curriculum linked ideas that work with my books and add fun and interest to any classroom see: Curriculum Ideas.
So check out my books.
Invite me to speak at your school, library or at your conference ( I love discussing books, literature and life. Discover the story behind each of my books. Each one rose from an observation, an experience—or both. Each book has been a joy to write.
I hope they are a joy to read.
Click on a title
from the list below
view all of Frieda’s
Picture Books here
- A Flower is a Friend
- We Belong Here
- Alfie, NO!
- How Emily Saved the Bridge
- Oonga Boonga (board book)
- What’s Up Bear?
- Where Are You Bear?
- The Queen’s Secret
- Maggie Can’t Wait
- You’re Mean, Lily Jean
- Please, Louise!
- Jennifer Jones Won’t Leave Me Alone
- Just Mabel
- Give Maggie a Chance
- Nothing Scares Us
- Each One Special
- No Frogs for Dinner
- Oonga Boonga
Click on a title
from the list below
view all of Frieda’s
Chapter Books,
Novels & Series here
- Camp Disaster
- Avis Dolphin
- Blob
- Queen Of the Toilet Bowl
- Dimples Delight
- Just Call Me Joe
- So Long Stinky Queen
- A Quest in Time
- Crazy for Chocolate
- Canadian Flyer
Adventure Series: - #1 Beware, Pirates!
- #2 Danger, Dinosaurs!
- #3 Crazy for Gold
- #4 Yikes, Vikings!
- #5 Flying High!
- #6 Pioneer Kids
- #7 Hurry, Freedom!
- #8 A Whale Tale
- #9 All Aboard!
- #10 Lost in the Snow
- #11 Far from Home
- #12 On the Case
- #13 Stop that Stagecoach!
- #14 SOS! Titanic!
- #15 Make It Fair
- #16 Arctic Storm
- #17 Halifax Explodes
Click on a title
from the list below
view all of Frieda’s
Non-Fiction Books here
- How to Become an Accidental Entrepreneur
- How to Become an Accidental Activist
- How to Become an Accidental Genius
- Colossal Canada: 100 Epic Fact and Feats
- A History of Just About Everything
- Explorers Who Made It... or died trying
- Everything but the Kitchen Sink
- It’s Your Room
- Albert Einstein
- Manya’s Dream: A Story of Marie Curie
- What’s the Matter with Albert?
- The Man Who Made Parks